Parents for Public Schools of Hawai‘i Key Bills

1) Teacher Salaries– nothing to do now, we have testified. Next action will be needed when SB2488 crosses over.

2) Vaping and Flavored Tobacco – we will be at hearings tomorrow Tues 2/25 in room 016 at 12:30pm to support the various bills on the protection of our keiki.

3) Expanded Access to Early Learning– we will be at hearings tomorrow Tues 2/25 in room 309 at 2pm to support expanded access for 3 and 4 year olds.

4) Later Middle and High School / Staggered School Start – Supported by DOE, HSTA, Democratic Education Caucus and More. HB318 was carried over from last year. No hearings are scheduled at this time.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) and major education researchers show that middle and high school students perform better when school starts after 8:30am. HB318 would set up a study to determine cost effective and optimal learning schedules for our schools.
SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that staggered start times for Hawaii’s schools should be studied to determine the impact of this component in the overall establishment of an educational system that produces the best learning environment for Hawaii’s elementary, middle, and high school students.Center for Disease Control research shows that middle and high school students perform better if their schools start after 8:30am.
SECTION 2.  (a)  The superintendent of education or the superintendent’s designee shall convene a staggered school start times task force to study and evaluate the issues and implications of instituting a staggered school start times program in the state public school system, including examining staggering the start times of public schools to achieve more efficient and cost-effective school bus service schedules for grades kindergarten through twelve.

Hawai‘i Childrens Action Network update on supported bills:

The Children’s Policy Agenda has several bills up for hearings and decision makings this week so please don’t forget to submit your testimony! Click on the bill number for more information about the bill and its status and click the measure title for talking points about the bill.  This Week:

B 2344, SD1 –  RELATING TO MINORS  2/24 @ 12:00 PM in CR 016
SB 2486, SD1 – RELATING TO EDUCATION DATA 2/24 @ 12:00 PM in CR 016

SB 2538, SD1RELATING TO THE YOUTH VAPING EPIDEMIC Decision Making: 2/25 @ 12:30 in CR 016
SB 2539, SD1RELATING TO HEALTH CARE  Decision Making: 2/25 @ 12:30 in CR 016
HB 2249, HD1RELATING TO MEDICAID BENEFITS Hearing: 2/25 @ 12:30 in CR 308
HB 2457, HD2RELATING TO THE YOUTH VAPING EPIDEMIC Hearing: 2/25 @ 12:30 in CR 308
HB 2061, HD1RELATING TO CHILD SUPPORT Hearing: 2/25 @ 12:30 in CR 308
HB2543 – RELATING TO ACCESS TO LEARNING Decision Making: 2/25 @ 2:00 in CR 309

HE‘E update on supported bills:

Hawai`i State Legislature
The 2020 Legislative Session opened on January 15, 2020. HE`E will be keeping members posted on bills and hearings of interest.
Bill/Topic Description Remarks
Adjusts and makes additional appropriations for fiscal biennium 2019-2021 to fund the operations of executive branch agencies and programs.
Referred to WAM.


Appropriates $25,000,000 on a non-recurring basis to fund teacher compensation as negotiated and executed between the Superintendent of education and Hawaii State Teachers Association Bargaining Unit 5 for an experimental modernization project pursuant to section 78-3.5, or special education, hard-to-staff geographic locations, and Hawaiian language immersion programs, or some combination thereof. (SD1)
The committee on WAM has deleted the measure from decision making scheduled on 02-25-20 12:45PM in conference room 211.
Provides an income tax exclusion for certain public school teachers who earn $60,000 or less per year, or households who earn $120,000 or less per year if only one person is a teacher. Defines eligible teachers as full-time school teachers, special education teachers, school librarians and school counselors employed by the DOE or a charter school. (SD1)
The committee(s) on WAM recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in WAM were as follows: 11 Aye(s): Senator(s) Dela Cruz, Keith-Agaran, Harimoto, Inouye, Kanuha, Kidani, Moriwaki, Riviere, Shimabukuro, Taniguchi, Fevella; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) English, K. Kahele.
SB2256 SD1
Authorizes the department of education to provide incentives to enhance the recruitment and retention of public school and public charter school teachers. (SD1)
The committee(s) on WAM recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in WAM were as follows: 9 Aye(s): Senator(s) Dela Cruz, Keith-Agaran, Inouye, Kanuha, Kidani, Moriwaki, Riviere, Taniguchi, Fevella; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 4 Excused: Senator(s) English, Harimoto, K. Kahele, Shimabukuro.
HB2543 Proposed HD1
Requires the parents or guardians of public school kindergarten students to the disclose information on the child’s prior child care program or prekindergarten attendance, if any, for the purpose of determining areas with the highest need for prekindergarten and child care programs. Requires Department of Education to assess kindergarten students. Establishes the preschool open doors trust fund and requires annual reporting. Expands Preschool Open Doors Program eligibility from 4-year-old children to all children who are 3 to 4 years old or will not be at least five years old on or before July 31 of the current school year. Requires annual reporting regarding the revenues and expenditures of the early learning trust fund. Establishes program for Department of Human Services to award grants for preschools. Appropriates funds and authorizes positions for the preschool open doors program. Appropriates funds for the Department of Human Services to expand its information technology system for the purpose of managing information on prekindergarten attendance and child care need and to contract for and operate preschool and child care programs. Establishes the Early Learning Coordinator position within the Office of the Governor. Establishes the goal of providing all children who are 3 to 4 years old, or will not be at least five years old on or before July 31 of the current school year, with enrollment in a preschool program by the year 2030 and assigns that responsibility to the Early Learning Coordinator. Appropriates funds to the Imiloa Astronomy Center for building classrooms for Hawaiian language immersion pre-kindergarten programs. Appropriates funds for building early learning services classrooms on public library property. Appropriates funds. (HB2543 HD1 PROPOSED)
Bill scheduled for decision making on Tuesday, 02-25-20 2:00PM in conference room 309.
 SB3103 SD1
Establishes the School Facilities Agency to be responsible for all public school development, planning, and construction, related to capital improvement projects assigned by the Legislature, Governor, or Board of Education. Places management of school impact fees with the agency. Appropriates funds. (SD1)
The committee(s) on WAM recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in WAM were as follows: 11 Aye(s): Senator(s) Dela Cruz, Keith-Agaran, English, Kanuha, Kidani, Moriwaki, Riviere, Shimabukuro, Fevella; Aye(s) with reservations: Senator(s) Harimoto, Taniguchi ; 0 No(es): none; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Inouye, K. Kahele.
Establishes the Hawaii After-School Program for Youth within the Department of Education to provide after school programs for public school and public charter school children in grades six through eight. Establishes the Hawaii After-School Program for Youth Special Fund. Appropriates funds. (SD1)
The committee(s) on WAM recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in WAM were as follows: 11 Aye(s): Senator(s) Dela Cruz, Keith-Agaran, Harimoto, Inouye, Kanuha, Kidani, Moriwaki, Riviere, Shimabukuro, Taniguchi, Fevella; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) English, K. Kahele.
Requires the Department of Education to establish a standardized data collection process; collect and analyze data relating to, among other things, student discipline, seclusion, and restraint, school climate, and student achievement; and annually report certain information to the Board of Education, Legislature, and the public. (SD1)
The committee(s) on JDC will hold a public decision making on 02-24-20 12:00PM in conference room 016.
HB2093 HD1
Requires the department of education to establish a standardized data collection process; collect and analyze data relating to, among other things, student discipline, school climate, and student achievement; and annually report certain information to the board of education, legislature, and the public. Takes effect on 7/1/2050. (HD1) Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Gates excused (1).