Will you call the Governor’s office this week to show your support for the full funding of the Preschool Open Doors program? It’s not so scary, we promise! You can also send an email or a letter, like the one we sent out this morning (attached)(but calling is better!), stating our support for both Preschool Open Doors, and a speedy implementation of universal preschool for four year olds in our public schools.

There’s also an online petition to sign, by Hawaii Children’s Action Network (previously Good Beginnings Alliance ): http://www.hawaii-can.org/prek_action

Sample text for calling or writing in:

“My name is _____, and I’m calling support of including the full funding for the Preschool Open Doors program in the Executive Supplemental Budget Request. I live in _______ and I believe access to a quality preschool education is important because _______.”

Example reasons why preschool is important:

1) It helps prepare children for kindergarten
2) It promotes cognitive, social, and emotional development
3) It means parents can go to work and take classes with the knowledge that their children will be safe and educated
4) My child attends/attended preschool and I think every child should have that opportunity.
5) Add your reason in the comments below!

Oahu residents call: 808-586-0034

Maui residents call: 808-243-5798

Hilo-area residents call: 808-974-6262

Kona-area residents call: 808-327-4953

Kauai residents call: 808-274-3100

Lanai residents call: 808-565-6380

Molokai residents call: 808-553-9000

Email him here: http://governor.hawaii.gov/contact-us/contact-the-governor/

Preschool Open Doors is a program implemented by Parents And Children Together For more information, visit them online:http://www.patchhawaii.org/families/paying/preschool

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