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When parents and schools work together, everyone wins.
Our onsite and virtual workshops are free to schools and to families.
Workshops marked by * are available onsite only.
Onsite workshops include meals, breaks, and childcare.
Parent Engagement *
Distinguish between Parental Involvement and Engagement. How can parents engage?
What is the effect of parent engagement on children? Enhance your strategies for parental engagement.
Gain knowledge of Title 1 parent involvement.
How You and Your Child Learn *
Understand our unique ways of learning and thinking, our learning preferences.
Think about each of your family members’ ways of taking in and giving out information.
Improve family communication and learning.
Learning Support at Home *
Learn about the critical thinking process and how to support it in your home.
Maximize and strengthen learning at home. Learn about “HOTS” (Higher Order Thinking Skills).
Use this approach to strategically analyze and solve problems.
Digital Learning and Living
Understand the opportunities and challenges for students in today’s age of digital learning.
Consider your learning modes in comparison. What has been gained and what is at risk?
Explore digital learning, safety, and citizenship, apps, resources, and guidance parents may set to promote health and learning.
Barriers to Learning
Identify and use probing questions to reduce barriers to learning.
What are “fixed” and “growth” mindsets?
Differentiate among protective factors to promote student learning.
Learn to access HI DOE and school systems to encourage and track student learning.
Academic and Social Emotional Learning
Learn about the Hawai‘i Multi-Tier System of Supports (HMTSS) for learning screening tools, progress monitoring, and decision making.
Learn how our schools promote Social Emotional Learning (SEL), overcome bullying, and support mental health.
Transition to Middle School: Untangling Adolescence
The transition to middle school raises questions for families–
What’s happening to my kid and how can I support them?
When does adolescence start and what does it do to my kid’s brain?
Body? Life? Friends? School culture?
This knowledge can calm fears and provide ideas to best navigate the change.
Future Careers and College
Learn about future jobs, 21st Century college and careers skills.
Explore current learning and assessment trends and how they apply to future careers:
– science of reading, gaming, PBL, critical thinking, coding, common core standards, and more.
Special Needs
Identify the basic Special Education process under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Understand how to address educational needs of children with disabilities.
Learn the rights and role of parents in the special education process.
Homework – Parent Research
Become a gatherer of information and resources.
Learn effective research approaches and resources.
Research learning trends, your school, your district, and your community.
Learn the value of homework and research in building knowledge and skills.
Community Resources
Learn about resources in your communities.
Develop a network of varied resources to help with student success.
Connect your personal leadership plan needs to resources in the community.
Meet local service community members working to improve lives with information, advise, and support.
Parent Leadership and Advocacy
Enhance skills for effective research and communication with schools and community agencies.
Understand the components of advocacy.
Learn how to take a leadership role in addressing conflicts.
Share your education goals for your family.
Transition to Kindergarten
Questions about your child beginnning school?
Gain perspective, information, and activities to support your child.
Parent participation boosts children’s self-confidence, positivity and happiness.
Reduce stress and support stronger academic growth.
Transition to High School
In H.S., students face a larger school with new students with excitement and concern.
Discover ways to help our students to minimize stress and maximize confidence.
Plan, research, and discuss opportunities and challenges:
– career technical (CTE), college prep, academies, internships, and PBL approaches.
How can PPS Hawai‘i help to raise student achievement?
- Through building productive, collaborative partnerships with schools, parents, family members and communities.
- Recognizing there is no “one size fits all” model, PPSHI works with schools to develop and implement a customized Parent Engagement Program and service plan.
- By aligning parent engagement activities to school improvement plans, parents and family members will be integrated into the process, helping sustain academic gains.
About the Onsite and Virtual Workshops
These 45-90 minute workshops are free to you and your school.
We offer all of our workshops in person.
Most workshops are delivered online as well as in person for family convenience.
The first three workshops marked by *,
the Parent Engagement, Learning Styles, and Learning Supports at Home workshops,
are only delivered in person, to support deeper learning and relationships in the workshop group.
We offer stipends of $20 for participation in each workshop.
Complete 3 workshops and you’ll earn $20 for each of those workshops.
Completing a 12 session series earns you an additional $100 bonus and a Parent Engagement Leadership Certificate.
What are the benefits?
Knowledge and Information: Participants receive information to help develop a foundational understanding of education. Families need knowledge to be effective partners with schools and PEP is the best way for them to get it.
FUN! Our workshops are interactive and involve hands on learning. Parents and family members develop relationships, network with friends and make new ones.
Leadership Skills: Participants develop personal leadership skills, they hone leadership potential that can be used in the community as well as schools. They learn to set goals, develop work plans and develop skills that can translate to the job.
Credibility: PPS has been working with parents and families for over 22 years.
PEP is based on the knowledge we have gained from working and listening to parents over time and addressing their concerns and needs.
Want a workshop at your school?
Contact your PCNC or email us at
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