What’s going on in there?
What do I need to know?
How long will this last?
(this too shall pass…)
Adolescence is the transitional period
between childhood and adulthood,
ages 11-21 years old.
Wondering what to expect in Intermediate School?
Parents for Public Schools Hawai’i and Kalakaua Middle School invite you to:
Your Child’s Transition to Intermediate School
Thursday, April 27, 2017
at Washington Middle School
Free admission, dinner & childcare available
5:30 pm sign-in in the Library dinner, talk story
6:00-7:30 program:
- Come hear about Intermediate School culture
- What’s happening to my kid?
- A presentation on the changes in adolescence
- Meet and talk to school admin, learn what to expect for next year.
- Your questions, concerns and ideas!
RSVP Here:
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