April 15 Hawai‘i Superintendent Dr. Christina Kishimoto interviewed by Honolulu Star Advertiser on the Impact of Covid-19 on Schools
April 16 Honolulu Star Advertiser Interview with Superintendent Kishimoto
April 18 Hawai‘i Congressional Delegation Letter to HI DOE Superintendent
April 27 HE‘E (Hui for Education Excellence) Letter to Hawai‘i Superintendent
April 28 Hawai‘i DOE Superintendent Response To HI Congressional Delegation
April 29 Hawai‘i DOE Superintendent Response to HE‘E Letter
April 29 Civil Beat Article on the Continuing Need for Distance Learning
April 30 Star Advertiser Interview with HSTA President Corey Rosenlee
May 1 NPR article and program Public Schools Continue Distance Learning, But Do Not Know How Many Children Are Missing Classes
At Parents for Public Schools of Hawai‘i, we continue to survey parents of public school students. As of today we have collected responses from 170+ parents at 40+ schools. To simplify the survey name/email/phone are not required. Click below to take the survey
Parent Survey on Learning During the Pandemic
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