Date(s) - 10/20/22 - 10/21/22
8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Schools of the Future Conference
October 20 & 21, 2022 with Pre-Conferences on the 19th
Hawai‘i Convention Center

The Schools of the Future Conference explores a wide-range of topics and ideas related to best practices in education.  The annual SOTF Conference is the largest event of its nature in the State and serves as an opportunity for teachers and administrators, across Hawaii’s public, private and charter school educators and administrators to reflect upon how schools can better serve children. The conference is produced annually in partnership with the Hawaii State Department of Education, the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools, the Hawaii Community Foundation and the Hawaii Society for Technology in Education. The 2019 conference was the last one offered in-person and  experienced a record number of attendees, with total participation over two days of 2,177 educators from Hawaii’s public, private and charter schools.

Got to for more information.