PPSHI Annual Meeting
April 30, 2016, 9-11 am
- To inform our general membership about what we have accomplished and what we have planned for the upcoming year;
- To recruit more people to be more actively engaged;
- And to solicit their ideas about activities to promote family engagement in public education.
About PPS Hawaii
Who We Are
Activities & Accomplishments
School Ambassadors
We are starting a new program to encourage membership participation in their local schools, in our organization, and with educational issues at the state level.
1000 Family Voices:
Since 2014 we have been collecting surveys with the goal of identifying the best way to support schools and family. Over this time and have collected over 300 responses, both at events and online. We have used the data we collected to inform the testimony we have presented to the state legislature, and to help guide our programs and efforts.
Middle & Intermediate School Tours:
We began partnering with both Middle/Intermediate Schools and feeder Elementary Schools to offer tours to increase connection and parent participation during this big transition period to support student success. Parents have the opportunity to walk through classrooms and facilities, meet school staff, and learn about the great programs offered in the schools. In 2015 we held tours at both Kailua and King Intermediate School.
Middle & Intermediate School Transition Nights:
This year we are proud to be working with Gear Up Hawai’i to hold transition nights at 7 Title 1 Schools. We have also worked with both Kailua and King Intermediate to continue offering Transition Nights at those schools.
We have been able to contract with Jeannette Macaluso as our Transition Night Coordinator and are working with these schools:
- Kalakaua Middle School (4/28/2016)
- Kea’au Middle School (5/23/2016)
- Jarrett Middle School (TBD)
- Maui Waena Middle School (TBD)
- Pahoa Intermediate School (TBD)
- Washington Middle School (TBD)
- Waianae Intermediate School (TBD)
Parent Engagement Program
Also in partnership with Gear Up we are able to bring the Parent Engagement Program to three of our Title 1 Schools, we have brought on Susan Emley as our PEP Program Director and are excited to bring this program from our National Organization to our Hawai’i Chapter!
“PEP participants learn to identify academic barriers at home, at school, or in the community and work to decrease those barriers. We help them develop their own personal leadership skills so that they can effectively work with educators, students and other parents to help students succeed.” -Parents for Public Schools
Fundraising & Grants
Current Grantors:
- GEAR UP Hawai’i
- Alexander and Baldwin
- American Savings Bank
Policy Advocacy
Parent Voice: Representation and Participation
- BOE’s Family Engagement policy
- School Quality Survey (SQS) revisions
- DOE Strategic Plan “Refresh”
- ESSA discussions
- Project AWARE, School Climate Transformation grant
- Early Childhood Action Team (Transition to DOE)
- Keiki Caucus
- Voting member of Hui for Excellence in Education (HE’E)
At the Legislature
- Cooling our schools and classrooms
- Early Childhood and Preschool Open Doors
- Family Leave
- Support for teachers (HSTA bill)
The Education Scene:
HSTA’s “Schools Our Keiki Deserve” Proposal Reflects National Concerns
- Educate the Whole Child
- Support All Students
- Recognize that Class Size Matters
- Create a Career Pathway
- Provide Quality School Facilities
- Properly Fund Our Rural and Small Schools
- Attract and Retain the Best and Brightest to Hawaii Public Education
- End High Stakes Testing
- Public Preschools
- Give Teachers the Supplies They Need
Major National & Local Issues
Common Core – consistent, deeper curriculum standards
Challenging implementation, training and time
ESSA –Congress Passed National Governor’s Association Legislation
The “Christmas Miracle.” States await U.S. Dept. of Education rules.
Testing – NCLB to Race to the Top, Strive HI, Smarter Balanced & PARCC
Widespread concerns: test effect on student learning, reduction in learning time and loss of computer availability for learning brought National Governor and Legislative action.
Teacher Evaluation
Half the states are considering legislation to decouple teacher evaluations from state tests.
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